Plants That You Can Easily Grow In Singapore
Every region has a distinct type of soil and climatic condition that favours plant growth. Environmental factors that affect plant growth include light, water, temperature, humidity, and nutrition. A better understanding of these factors helps you grow plants and take care of them.
Have you been thinking to add some green beauties to your home or garden in Singapore? Well, here are some plant ideas that will thrive well in Singapore’s tropical weather.
You can find bougainvillea all over Singapore in a variety of colours. However, the colourful part of the plant is not the flower; it is called a bract. The actual flowers are just tiny and white. It requires a fair amount of water and high-fertility soil to thrive.
It has large, heart-shaped leaves that become covered with holes that resemble Swiss cheese. The Swiss cheese plant is easy to grow and loves to climb. It can grow anywhere indoors, even in shady spots of the house. The plant thrives in peat-based potting soil, and you need to water it if the soil is nearly dry.
This plant is native to Singapore and has flowers that look like giant red lipsticks emerging out of dark tubes. You can buy them from online plant shop in Singapore to grow indoors. It soaks water from Singapore’s humid air. Grow it in fertile soil that drains well. Water when the top soil becomes dry. It thrives in high humidity, bright and indirect light.
Jungle Flame is a common flowering shrub that blooms continuously throughout the year. It produces red, yellow, pink, or orange flowers. Grow it in full sun or partial shade for best blooms. Water the plant regularly, especially during hot, dry weather.
Sundews are ‘flypaper’ plants that catch prey in sticky hair on their leaves. The long tentacles protrude their leaves with a sticky gland at the tip. These droplets look like dew sparkling in the sun. The tentacles contain digestive enzymes that digest prey, leaving only the exoskeleton. Sundews can reach up to a height of 10 inches. Many species can self-pollinate, while others produce through seeds.
Orchids are hardly plants that are not difficult to grow or keep alive. They are one of the most glamorous flowers found in Singapore. Some varieties need direct sunlight to grow and bloom while others need shade and most are somewhere in between. Plant orchid in a pot that has plenty of drainage to ensure excess water is drained completely.
If you simply want to pick up gardening, consider growing these easy-to-care plants in Singapore.