Everything you Need to Know about Sunflowers

Everything you Need to Know about Sunflowers
We all should be like sunflowers, even on the darkest days of our lives, we should stand tall and face the light. Moreover, there is no flower as wholesome as the sunflower. Their natural beauty, pest resistance, pollination, and inspiration beat all the other blooms out there. It is truly a radiant flower that spreads joy and sunshine in everyone's life. If you wish to find out more from caring tips and sunflower growing guide to interesting facts, carry on reading!

Know About Sunflowers

Know About Sunflowers The sunflower, also known as 'Helianthus annuus', with 'helios' (a Greek word) meaning sun and 'anthos' means flower. While yellow is the most common and widely seen colour, there are sunflower arrangements that come in orange, brown, maroon, and red hues too. If this piques your interest, wait till we shed out everything you need to know about sunflowers; so you can become the maestro of this radiant bloom.

Interesting Facts about Sunflowers

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="456"]Interesting Facts about Sunflowers Source: GIPHY[/caption] While the above knowledge about sunflowers is bookish, below are some interesting facts about Sunflowers that will tickle your fancy.
  • Sunflowers have been an inspiration to Vincent Van Gogh in his infamous painting.
  • Sunflowers are also known as the fourth sister, with corn, beans, and squash as the other three sisters.
  • In 2014, Germany witnessed the tallest sunflower in the world. Its height- is 30 feet and 1 inch.
  • Kansas is known as 'The Sunflower State'.
  • In some cultures, this flower is seen as a symbol of courage.

When & How should you Plant Sunflowers?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="559"]When & How should you Plant Sunflowers? Source: GIPHY[/caption]
  • Sunflowers grow ideally in warm temperatures, thus it is best to sow the seeds directly in outdoor containers or gardens.
  • Once you have planted them, make sure you do not disturb their placement.
  • One of the most interesting facts about Sunflowers is that they hate any disturbance in their roots; that is why direct sowing is recommended and not transplanting.

What's the Right Planting Site?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="559"]What's the Right Planting Site? Source: GIPHY[/caption] Let's get to know about Sunflowers with respect to the right place/spot to plant them.
  • Sun! Sunflowers are children of the sun, for they look up to it all day long. They must grow in a spot that has 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight.
  • The soil must be dug deep for the long sunflower roots to stretch their limbs. 2 feet in depth and 3 feet in width should be good enough.
  • Choose well-draining soil to avoid any collection of water.
  • This bright bloom is a heavy feeder, so your soil has to be nutrient-rich with composted or organic manure.
  • When it comes to the pH level of the soil, the plant is not fussy. So, a range of 6.0 to 7.5 is ideal.

How to Plant Sunflower Seeds?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="456"]How to Plant Sunflower Seeds? Source: GIPHY[/caption] Now, you are going to enter the caring tips and sunflower growing guide that begins with how to plant sunflower seeds.
  • Firstly, the soil should be thoroughly warm. Then you plant the seeds 1 to 1 1/2 inches deep and 6 inches apart.
  • Lightly use fertiliser during the planting time for stronger root growth (they won't blow away in the wind).
  • You must provide plenty of room for the plant to grow- 30 inch apart rows for the normal-sized varieties and closer for the smaller ones.
  • Spread a net over the planted area if birds try to dig for the seeds.

How to Care for Sunflowers?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="562"]How to Care for Sunflowers Source: GIPHY[/caption] Part 2 of the caring tips and sunflower growing guide is as follows:
  • Even if the plant is small, you must water around the root zone and 3 to 4 inches away from the plant.
  • A budding plant needs to run its roots deep into the ground. Assist this process by watering infrequently but deeply.
  • Protect the young plant by putting a slug or snail bait on the stem.
  • Sunflowers require support! Bring in bamboo stakes to help keep the plant upright.
  • Do not feed your plant with a big heart, as overfertilization can lead to the breakage of stems. Add a diluted fertiliser into the water, but keep it away from the plant's base.

Pests & Diseases 

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="457"]Pests & Diseases  Source: GIPHY[/caption] The last part of the caring tips and sunflower growing guide is the pests and diseases section. Every plant parent needs to know about these for their bright babies.
  • Once the plant matures, you can protect them by covering them with garden fleece.
  • Animals like squirrels and birds are always interested in the seeds, so deter them with barriers.
  • Fungal diseases like rust, downy mildew, and powdery mildew should be kept at bay at all times.
  • This flower is mostly insect-free, but it does get visited by a grey moth. Pick the insect and its eggs from the plant regularly.
  • For other tall animals like deer, get a barbed wire around the garden to keep your sunflowers and other plants protected.

About the author

Gurnika Talwar

Gurnika Talwar is FNP’s marketing and creative content writer and has been with the firm since 2020. She is based in Delhi, India and has been in this field for 2+ years.
She started her journey as a freshman but since then has created content on several mediums. With blogging on gift ideas, food, gardening tips and whatnot as her primary goal, she has also curated content for social media and brand films. As a storyteller, she creates original, genuine, and relatable content to connect with the mass. Besides work, you’ll find her chit-chatting about movies or making sarcastic jokes.