7 Best Low Maintenance Plants

Plants are like little babies, they need a lot of care. You need to keep them well maintained by watering them, pruning them, providing them with the right amount of sunlight. Not everyone has that kind of time, but again plants are very important for survival. They help maintain the eco-balance, provide oxygen, purify the air by removing harmful toxins from the air, help uplift your mood, and different plants have different health benefits. Since we have been listening to the rising rate of pollution lately, it is very important to surround ourselves with these green wonders. Do not have a green thumb? Do not worry. Here is a list of 7 best low maintenance plants:

Aloe Vera Plant

A plant with several health benefits, aloe vera plant is pretty low maintenance. This plant does not require sunlight. Moreover, it can survive without water for a long period of time. It needs to be watered only when the soil is completely dry. The leaves of the aloe vera plant are filled with a thick gel, which has many medicinal benefits.

Jade Plant

Also known as the friendship plant, jade plants are self-sufficient. Compared to other house plants, these plants need very less care. They can survive in almost all situations, like strong winds, drought, and grazing. Not only the adjust to different atmospheres pretty fast, but they also have the ability to store excess water in their leaves, stems and roots.

Philodendron Plant

Very popular, low maintenance Philodendron plant is a beautiful foliage plant which is also known to purifying the air. It easily adapts to its surrounding environment. Although they need bright light but can survive in low light as well. You need to water you philodendron only when the top inch of soil dries out.

Money Plant

The very popular and common money plant can be taken care of easily. They adjust in direct as well as low light conditions. You need to water it only when the top inch of the soil is dry. This perennial plant lives a really long life if it is properly taken care of. Moreover, it is said that money plants brink luck to the owner.

Mother in Law's Tongue Sansevieria Plant

The intriguing Sansevieria Plant is famous for releasing oxygen at night. They have also been recognized by NASA for purifying the air and absorbing toxins like formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide, benzene, xylene and trichloroethylene. And imagine after having so many benefits, they are easy to maintain. The plant can survive full sunlight, poor light conditions and even when watered less. It is hard to kill this plant.

Lucky Bamboo Plant

The very famous lucky bamboo plants are really easy to take care of! It is relaxing and known to reduce stress. Lucky bamboo can be grown both ways, with soil and without soil. If you choose to grow it in soil, all you need to do it keep the soil moist. It can survive in low as well as direct sunlight, and this is why it is a perfect plant for beginners.

Grape Ivy

The Beautiful foliage flowering plant is super easy to take care of. They are tolerant of all indoor growing conditions. The less you water it, the more it grows. They need low sunlight, less water, and dry air. And even after all this, the plant will always look fresh and happy. So these are a few plants which can be grown without any hustle, and not only take care of themselves, but you as well.

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