How to Take Care of Terrariums?

How to Take Care of Terrariums?
A terrarium is a collection of small plants growing in a sealed glass container. It is a glass vessel that contains plants and soil and illustrates how an ecosystem works. Terrariums are great options for people living in small spaces who loves gardening and likes to be surrounded by plants. They are low-maintenance indoor gardens that enhance the aesthetic of homes and offices in an efficient way. Looking at the beautiful terrariums might give the illusion that they require a lot of care. But terrariums are self-nourishing and that’s why they require low maintenance.

Here are some easy to follow tips to take care of terrariums:

Lightning The terrariums should be placed in a well-lit area with indirect sunlight. Never put them in direct sunlight or outside the house. As terrariums are closed, so if they get too hot in direct sun, the plants may burn. Water For Open Terrariums- Pour water directly into the soil once every 7-14 days (depending on the season and climate). Keep the soil moist between watering, but make sure it is not soaking wet. Never let open terrariums dry out completely. For Sealed Terrariums- They require little watering and the soil should be kept moist. Never over-water the sealed terrariums as that may create fog inside the closed container. If the sides of the terrarium are constantly wet and you cannot see your plants, then you need to open the top of the container and allow it to dry. Pruning If you notice that the plants have reached the top of the terrarium, it is time for a little trimming to keep them small enough to fit the container. Also, make sure to get rid of the dead plants, fungus, or algae growing in the terrarium as they may promote bacterial growth in the soil and harm the terrarium. Temperature Do not keep terrariums in a room where the temperature is too hot for the plants. Avoid placing them near radiators, heaters and under the source of light like fluorescent lamps, as it will ultimately burn the plants to death. The terrariums should be never placed in extremely cold or hot places. Fertilizer The basic goal of terrariums is to keep the plants very small. Adding any fertilizer to your terrarium will encourage rapid growth and you do not want that. Therefore, avoid adding any fertilizer to your terrarium. The plants will get the required nutrients from the soil. Cleaning From time to time, clean your terrariums with a damp piece of cloth to remove any sort of dust or build upon the glass. With a pinch of creativity, time, and the help of these care tips, you can build beautiful and unique terrariums at home.

About the author

Apeksha Rawat