Indoor Plants – Making Every Breath Better

We love adding indoor plants to our spaces, don't we? They add a splash of colour and character to a room. Whether at home or office, plants soften, enliven, and add a touch of class, no matter where they are placed. But it’s not just the glam value that plants offer. Did you know that you can sleep better with indoor plants? Or that your stress levels can reduce considerably? Did you perhaps stop to consider why your allergies started disappearing when you brought a splash of green to your indoors? It’s true – plants help purify the air and improve overall well-being. In this blog, we have listed the five most popular plants that purify the air in the space that they're kept in — and look good while on the job!

Best Indoor Plants that Purify Air

Snake Plant

sansevieria-snake-plant This plant helps protect against allergies and removes pollutants from the air. As its owner, you will probably enjoy that it is low maintenance and needs little care for weeks. Enjoy the lush green strokes that light up your home.


dracaena-plant Add a whiff of fresh, pollutant-free air to your home, and help keep it moist with the Dracaena. This low-maintenance plant needs little sunlight and water, and keeps your home looking and feeling fresh all day.

Peace Lily

peace-lily-plant If you want a quick fix for your stress or insomnia, the Peace Lily is perfect for you. Clearing out pollutants from the air, this plant also helps add a touch of warmth to your space. A word of caution – this plant should be kept away from the reach of your pets.


white-pothos-plant Commonly called Devil’s Ivy, the Pothos plant sucks up the formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide in your space and leaves clean, pure air for you to breathe. All this while being hardy and impossible to kill, making it the perfect plant for novices.

Money Plant

money-plant-in-lucky-to-have-you-glass-pot_1 Get yourself a money plant, and you have a sure winner at home! You will not only invite the freshest, purest air but also a healthy dose of good luck, prosperity, and positivity. The plant also does its fair share of adding a delicate charm to your space.

Indoor Plants to the Rescue

Indoor plants are inexpensive as home décor, air purifiers, medical aid, and mental health care. We have shared the best indoor plants that help you live better and enjoy a fuss-free experience. You can also explore a range of air-purifying plants in attractive presentations and pots to help you bring home the perfect bloom.

About the author

Anushka Jain