Scientifically Proven Benefits of Houseplants

It is no brainer that plants benefit humans. What is shocking is the multitude of areas in which houseplants aid us. So, apart from being a fantastic decorative item, indoor plants make sure that you remain in the pink of your health. Take a look at the list of scientifically proven benefits of various houseplants.

Relief from Allergies 

Researchers have found that rooms with plants have much less mould and dust collection than rooms with no plants. It is known that plants like peace lily and Chinese evergreen act as natural filters to catch airborne particles that cause allergies. Avoid keeping plants with pollen in your home.

Re-Humidifying Indoors

Air conditioners and oil heaters dry out the moisture from your rooms. This leads to a high chance of you catching illnesses, especially during the winters. Indoor plants like the Boston Fern, Spider plant, and Areca Palm are excellent humidifiers. They work best indoors by adding moisture to the air and making it comfortable for the owner to live.

Natural Air Purifiers

Why invest in an air-purifying machine when you can get plants for half the cost to do the same job? Snake plants, English Ivy and Dragon Tree are some of the most common and highly efficient indoor air purifying plants. They clean the air by getting rid of harmful toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene. During the night, they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

Boosts Digestion 

A large number of people suffer from gas, bloating, and other digestive related problems. If you are one of them or know someone who faces this issue, buy a mint, peppermint, or basil plant. Incorporate the habit of adding one of these herbs to your food to calm your stomach. You can also opt to steep basil leaves in hot water.

Healing Qualities

Grow an Aloe Vera plant in your home to gain from its multiple healing qualities. Cut a small section of the plant to extract its gel. Apply this gel to cure sunburn, get rid of acne, soothe psoriasis, and minor burns. Make a juice from the aloe plant to help treat constipation. You can also apply the gel on your scalp to help get rid of dandruff.

Relieve Stress 

Do you find yourself stressed out or edgy lately? If yes, you need to buy a plant that will help you remain calmer. Jasmine, Lavender, and Chamomile are the most effective stress-relieving plants. Numerous researches have taken place where people’s heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormone have been monitored while handling a tough task. Studies showed that they were much calmer when surrounded by such plants.

Concentrated Focus 

Whether you are a student or a working professional, waste no time purchasing a Golden Pothos or a Bamboo Palm. These plants contain qualities that enhance the concentration level and efficiency in performing tasks. They also help in building a sharper focus.

Improves Psychological Health

Many therapists advise gardening as a way to treat schizophrenia, depression, and other psychiatric illnesses. The reason behind this is, when one nurtures a plant, he/she experiences fewer anxieties, lower levels of depression, and an improved attention span. Study reveals that even being around plants or green spaces can make a person feel much more peaceful and relaxed. Now that you know the multiple health benefits one can obtain from indoor plants, waste no time to get yourself one. You can buy these plants as gifts for your loved ones to help them overcome their problems.