• Greetings
  • Text Messages
  1. Let’s salute our martyrs for the sacrifices they made & appreciate them for giving us today. Happy Singapore National Day

  2. May Lord bless the nation with endless happiness and prosperity! Happy Singapore National Day

  3. Wishing Singapore to continue to enjoy harmony, progress, and prosperity as a nation.

  4. Independence is a special and precious gift. May our lives always remain independent! Happy Singapore National Day

  5. Let us honour every patriot because, without them, freedom would not have existed. Happy Singapore National Day

  6. Happy Singapore National Day to everyone, I wish you all faith in the words, freedom in mind and pride in your souls.

  7. Happy Singapore National Day. Hope that Singapore will remain a safe and wonderful place and prosper in the year ahead.

  8. May Singapore remain prosperous, healthy, and united forever!

  9. May the future bring more glory to our great nation! Wishing all a happy Singapore National Day.

  10. Let us strive to make our future much better and prosperous. Happy Singapore National Day

  11. Happy birthday Singapore. May you prosper even more in the years to come!

  12. May Singapore be safe, rich, and dynamic forever!

  13. Freedom is the greatest gift to humankind. Always cherish it. Happy Singapore National Day

  14. Happy Independence Day to dearest citizens of Singapore. We all should be proud of our country and love it selflessly.

  15. Let’s celebrate this day having freedom in mind, faith in heart and memories of our heroes in the heart. Happy Singapore National Day

  16. Proud to be a Singapore citizen and wish all Singaporeans happy National Day.

  17. May the glory of Independence be with you forever! Happy Singapore National Day

  18. May we always have the freedom to choose, freedom to dream and freedom to live!

  19. Nothing is as good as living in an independent and self-sustaining nation. Happy Singapore National Day

  20. Here’s wishing you and your family the best the nation has to offer as we celebrate our country’s independence.