Everything you Need to Know About March Birthstones

Just like January and February, two beautiful gemstones stand proud as the birthstones (or guardian angels) of the last month of winters, i.e. March. Aquamarine and Bloodstone are two birthstones for March-born individuals. Though they are different in looks, both the birthstones symbolize strength and perseverance. Read on to learn more about these two birthstones.

Everything you Need to Know About March Birthstones

Aquamarine: Meaning & History

The term Aquamarine is derived from the Latin phrase, ‘Aqua Marinus’ which translates to ‘water from the sea.’ According to the legends, Roman fishermen believed that aquamarine was brought to the shore by waves and protected sailors and everyone sailing in the water. The jewel was believed to be sacred to the sea god, i.e. Neptune and also bring good luck while fishing.

Its colour tone ranges from blueish green, deep blue and greenish-blue. People wear pale blue aquamarine to lure a lost lover and greenish-blue if they are a traveller. Brazil is the hotspot for the mining of Aquamarine. Other countries include Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia, Myanmar, Russia, Nigeria and parts of Africa. The stone will probably remind you of a beautiful island or Antarctica.

Aquamarine’s Facts & Folklore

  • The stone is the symbol of good luck, protection and good fortune.
  • Since it is associated with the throat chakra, it can help the wearer overcome glossophobia.
  • It also makes the perfect gift for those celebrating their 19th wedding anniversary.
  • Roman doctors used the stone to treat illnesses like bloating and overeating.

Bloodstone: Meaning & History

Also known as Heliotrope, Bloodstone is another gemstone for March born. It is a quartz that is named so because of its bright red splatters that are the results of the iron mineral called hematite. The word ‘Heliotrope’ is a Greek word that means ‘to turn the sun’. Over time, hematite is believed to possess magical properties. Those who wear it, stay protected against evil. It is highly beneficial in controlling bleeding, improving blood circulation, and treating inflammation. The majority of bloodstone comes from India. The other parts include the United States, China, Madagascar, Australia and Brazil.

Facts & Folklore

  • It has the reputation of controlling the weather, predicting the future, bringing health and enhancing levels of creativity.
  • It is said to heal blood disorders and haemorrhages.
  • The Christians (in the middle ages) associated it with Christ’s martyrdom and crucifixion.
  • Today, it is a symbol of a lucky charm.