Mother’s Day Is Not Just About Mothers
We love our mothers, don’t we? They’ve brought us into this world. They have raised us, educated us, loved and cared for us- we owe our entire existence to our mothers. Countries and cultures all over the world have one day in the year dedicated to the celebration of mothers and all that they do for us. On this day, we do all that we can to make that woman feel special- that woman without whom life would just come to a standstill.
But is motherhood only about having and raising children? Isn’t it about having the qualities of love, compassion, kindness, selflessness and wisdom? Surely, there are many women in your life who make you feel special time and again. Why not thank them on mother’s day?
Grandmothers are our ultimate source of happiness. Our childhood revolves around our grandparents. Grandpa brings us sweets and chocolates whenever he comes to visit, and grandma fills our belly with delicious food. She whisks us away to strange, magical lands with her stories. But as we grow up, we tend to drift away from our grandparents, or in some unfortunate cases, they leave us. If you are lucky enough to have your grandmother around, pay her a visit this mother’s day. Bring her something nice and beautiful, to show her how much she means to you.
Aunts and elder sisters too play a major role in our evolution from toddlers to adults. They are the ones we run to when mom is in destruction mode. They supply us with extra candies and chocolates, take us to all the amusement parks and shower us with gifts. It is time for us to give back to them now.
For a married woman, getting along with her mother-in law is absolutely crucial for maintaining domestic peace. Thanks to some Bollywood movies, a mother-in-law has a very diabolic image in our mind, as someone who is hell-bent on making her daughter-in-law’s life miserable. But reality is far removed from that. Mother-in-laws of the 21st century are far more accommodating and supportive than their earlier counterparts. They encourage us to follow our dreams and passions, offer to support us in our housework and love us like their own children. They are helpful and kind, offering to take us under their wings and teach us the machinations of the household. They deserve our respect and love on all days and especially on Mother’s Day.
You may have other women around you who treat you like their child. She does not need to be a relative. She can be your next-door neighbor who always comes to check on you when you are sick, who invites you over for lunch and dinner when your cook does not show up and who makes sure that you never feel homesick in a strange city. She can be your colleague who shares her tiffin with you, scolds you for smoking too much or hydrating too little and beams with pride as you deliver a fabulous presentation. She can be your help who knows all your favourite dishes by heart and indulges your daily tantrums about food. Really, she could be anybody who treats you with love and kindness. Mother’s Day is not just about the lady who helped you see the light of day, it is also about all those kind-hearted souls who contributed towards making you the person you are today.