Stunning Flowers That Can Withstand Harshest of Winters
- Author: Anushka Published: 16th December, 2021
Winter is here! No, don’t get your hopes high Thronees. We are not making any announcement on the upcoming season of GOT. Rather, we will be discussing plenty of plants and flowers that are tough nuts (or shrubs) to crack. Before freezing temperatures arrive, here are some reliable and hardy perennials, shrubs and annuals that you can count upon to plant a thriving garden. Start digging!
Lily of the Valley
‘Looks can be deceptive and fool you’ holds true for the Lily of the Valley. This member of the asparagus family can grow vigorously even if it gets partial sun. All it needs is a little attention to thrive. Just keep the soil moist and it will take over your entire garden in no time.
These colourful blooms are Chionophiles; a flower that can survive the cold winters conditions. Peonies can relish the harshest of winters (even -10℃). In fact, these luscious blooms flower better following winters.
These teeny tiny flowers blossom for most of the mild winters. They are tough and tolerant to light frosts and in colder regions, they pop back up on their own right after the snow melts. You will find them growing and flourishing right through Thanksgiving until Easter and beyond.
Winterberry (Scientifically known as Ilex Verticillata) is a species of deciduous holly. The flower survives and thrives in the chilliest and even mildest of winters. Though it drops its leaves in winters, its stunning and gorgeous red berry-laden branches shine brightly amidst the snow blanket. Get a ‘male’ pollinator to get berries and add colour to your backyard.
Catmint can deceive you for its firm resemblance to Lavender. With its grey-green foliage with lilac-blue flowers, Catmint might appear delicate but is a tough plant that can withstand extreme weather conditions. Besides, it boasts of blooming (almost) throughout the year and looks stunning during wintertime. So, this winter, deck up your garden with this high resilient, resistant to pests and diseases, and easy to grow Catmint.