Why Do Women Like Flowers?
The depths of a woman's psyche are probably the most intriguing in this vast and sumptuous creation. Men since ages have been in awe of the thought process and the sentiments of women. Deciphering her choices and decisions can be one of the most difficult things to do.
One thing that has been noticed by men of all ages is the affinity of women towards flowers. Fresh, gorgeous and innocent blooms have always been a dire favorite of women. This is a trend that quantifies the fact that women never associate price with value. For them, a cluster of fresh flowers can beat any expensive gift any day.
Poets have celebrated this idea and it has given birth to various beautiful ballads and poems that relate the beauty of women with flowers and the natural inclination of women towards flowers.
The reasons for this inclination could be several. Let us take a look at a few of them.
Women are probably one of the most beautiful creations of God. Her fragile beauty stands unparalleled and has been a potent source of inspiration for literature and creativity over the past years of human evolution. Seldom can you find another object of this creation that could relate to the beauty of women? This is somewhat feasible when we think of flowers. Beautiful, fresh blossoming buds are probably the best compliment for the beauty of women.
They Say So Much in So Little
One of the fascinating aspects of women is their nature. They speak less to mean much more. This subtleness is best reciprocated by flowers. When you gift flowers to somebody, especially women, they say a lot about your feelings for her without any noise made. The colors of the flowers that you give a woman say a lot about your intentions. No doubt red roses are still the best gift a woman wants from her beau.
Being Special
Flowers are associated with being special. When a girl receives flowers at her workplace she becomes the envy of everybody else out there. A gift of flowers can express the fact that she is so very special for somebody else. This is the feeling that is cherished the most by women. No wonder no other gift or item irrespective of their market price is of little value to women when compared with a bunch of fresh glowing flowers!
Women are surely romance fanatics when it comes to their heart. This is one of the main reasons why they are in such awe for flowers. A bunch of flowers happens to be one of the most romantic gifts that could be given to her. This is why she happens to be so fond of flowers at the end of the day.
See fragrance is associated with a good feeling. Both men and women have their favorite fragrances. The fragrance of flowers is the softer category of fragrances and can fit the bill perfectly for women. This natural attraction of flowers allures women increasingly towards them that have a feel-good factor about them for women.
In a nutshell, flowers, since ages, have always acted as one of the best stimulants for women, who love them anyway, whether as gifts or as simple items to shop on a daily basis.