7 Best Plants to Keep in the Study Room

Plants – without them no life is possible on the earth. From providing the basic requirements like oxygen and food to improving the atmosphere – there are many benefits one draws from plants. Studies prove that when one is surrounded by certain plants the concentration and focus improves manifolds. The students of schools, colleges, and universities and also the scholars can use these plants purposefully. By providing more oxygen to the air and removing toxins – these plants create a calm atmosphere that helps in better concentration.

Plants for office

Know more about the best plants for study room below:

Lucky Bamboo:

Plants for office

A study conducted by the American Horticultural Therapy Association proves that students who keep lucky bamboo in their room come up with better results as compared to those who don’t. Of course, one needs to study too but with a lucky bamboo in the vicinity – there will be an influx of more positive energies. This plant prefers low light and regular watering – this plant will bring many positive changes in life.

Jasmine Plant:

Plants for office

Jasmine is both an indoor and outdoor plant that produces sweet-smelling flowers. This enticing fragrance helps in calming down the senses and promoting a night of sound sleep. It is believed that keeping a jasmine plant in the study room removes stress and anxiety from people. Once the mind feels relaxed, it then helps in a better decision-making process. With improved concentration and better decision-making capabilities, the students will become more confident and flexible in life.

Rose Plant:

Plants for office

Rose is the most popular flower in the world and research says that this plant helps in better focus among people. The fragrance provides a relaxing feeling people and loosens up the mind. The soothing roses melt the troubles that people face mentally. Eventually, productivity among people rises.

ZZ Plant:

Plants for office

It is one of the toughest members of the plant kingdom. ZZ plants can hold moisture/water for weeks and can survive in any light condition. So, those PG or hostel students can also bring this plant and enjoy its benefits. This plant produces pure oxygen and the more one is exposed to pure oxygen – the mental and physical state improves. ZZ plant is thus the perfect plant for those who enjoy an all-night study session.

Orchids Plant:

Plants for office

The flowers of these Orchid plants are visually stunning and the best part is that they bloom all through the year. Orchids are colorful, elegant, and captivating and they also spread positive energy. They also help in boosting the mood. Once the mood is cheerful, one is pumped up to think broadly and come up with better ideas that will fetch great results.

Ponytail Palm Plant:

Plants for office

The unique name of the plant comes from the beautiful ponytail like leaves. Apart from clearing the air from toxins, this plant adds dramatic beauty to a room. They are low-maintenance yet stylish plants that come with great benefits. Many a time it happens that the students or scholars feel drowsy or feel severe headache. The reason for these problems can be many but one of the major reasons is bad or unhealthy air laden with carbon dioxide that goes inside the body. A ponytail palm will absorb all the carbon dioxide and fill up the body with pure oxygen which will remove other ailments too.

Peace Lily Plant:

Plants for office

Peace Lily is one of the best indoor plants that require minimal care. The plant with shining leaves and white flowers can be kept anywhere in the study room. As per the reports shared by NASA, this plant improves the air quality by removing all types of VOC’s from the air. Thus, this plant provides a brighter environment that motivates people to work hard and achieve the best result in academics or the workplace.