7 Best Household Plants According To Vastu
Both Vastu and Feng Shui believe that house plants help to maintain the flow and balance of energy in a household. They can also affect the health, prosperity and fortune of the inhabitants. On the other hand, if the plants are not compliant with Vastu, they can be the harbingers of negative vibrations and bad luck. Therefore, it is very important to study the Vastu properties of various plants before bringing them into your home. Here are 7 Vastu approved plants that will enhance your lifestyle:
1. Rubber plants
The round leaves of the rubber plant are symbolic of wealth and financial growth in Vastu. They can bring you a lot of commercial success and money when placed in the correct zone of your house. They also absorb a lot of toxins in the air of your indoors and act as a natural air purifier.
2. Bamboo
Bamboo trees are pretty low maintenance, therefore it is easy to have them around the home. According to Feng Shui, bamboo brings health, happiness and prosperity to the home. The lotus bamboo, specially, brings luck into the home, and stands for peace and innocence.
3. Orchids
The ancient Greeks associated orchids with fertility, libido and attraction, therefore they would be a great addition to the lives of newlyweds. They are symbolic of love, and can comfort the soul. They are also beautiful, and can adorn any corner they are placed in.
4. Holy Basil (Tulsi)
The leaves of the Tulsi plant can emanate oxygen throughout the day and night, which makes it a useful addition to the household. Also, the Tulsi plant holds a very special place in Hindu mythology, and is often worshipped by the women of the household.
5. Chinese Flowers:
Chinese flowers symbolize optimism and health. They mark the beginning of a new year, since the tree blossoms in spring. They can promote goodwill and positivity, and can improve the love connection between couples. Keeping this plant in the living room area will give the best results.
6. Lotus:
Although the lotus is an unconventional choice for a house plant, it has many good vibrations. It is associated with Ma Lakshmi and Lord Buddha, which makes it highly auspicious. The lotus therefore is said to attract salvation and wealth. It symbolizes exclusivity, morals, strength and purity.
7. Lily
The lily plant is a fragrant flower that entices one and all with its aroma. According to Vastu, it is a symbol of happiness, peace and harmony. It helps people of the household maintain their composure under crisis situations. Lilies are also associated with meditation, and therefore keeping them in a place where this is practiced will serve the purpose better.
On the contrary, there are many plants which should not be kept in the household, since they bring bad vibrations. For example, the tamarind tree is said to harbor evil spirits and should not be planted near the house. Cotton plants are considered inauspicious. Cactus and other thorny plants should be avoided because they can create disputes and arguments within the household. Tall trees in certain directions of the house emit negative energy. And probably the most important rule which you need to keep in mind regarding house plants is, never ever keep dead or dying plants or flowers in your living spaces. Follow these rules and you will find a significant improvement in your life within a short span of time.