What are the Best Indoor Plants for Winters?

With the winter season around the corner, the survival of house plants becomes a problem. Many house plants need extra care to thrive the cold weather, while other plants do just fine. Some plants need proper sunlight during winters to feel warm, and this becomes a problem for house plants. Many plants grow slow during winters, others don’t grow at all, and some dry out. It is very important to take proper care of your green friends. So, if you’re planning to get new indoor plants during winters make sure you get the best cold-tolerant plants and take proper care of the existing plants.

What are the Best Indoor Plants for Winters?

Here is a list of best indoor plants for cold weather:

Aloe Vera Plant:

What are the Best Indoor Plants for Winters?

This tropical medicinal plant can thrive in almost every weather. While Aloe Vera plant needs warmth to grow, it can survive without direct sunlight. Placing an aloe vera plant near the window, and watering it once a week during winters would be perfect. You can avail the medicinal benefits of the aloe vera plant throughout the year.

Spider Plant:

What are the Best Indoor Plants for Winters?

Easy to grow, the spider plant is the just perfect choice for winters. Spider plants are excellent air purifiers which filter out carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and benzene. Since this happy plant needs room temperature to survive, and at the same time does not like direct sunlight, it is perfect to be grown indoors during winters. Spider plants love humidity, so if the leaves turn brown and crispy make sure to raise the humidity in the room.

Peace Lily Plant:

What are the Best Indoor Plants for Winters?

An elegant flowering plant with air-purifying qualities, peace lily filters out pollutants like formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene from the air. It is an easiest indoor winter plant as enjoys medium to low light. They prefer warmer weather, but not direct sunlight and need to be watered only if the soil seems dry.

Moth Orchid:

What are the Best Indoor Plants for Winters?

Beautiful and fragrant, moth orchids do fine all year round. They can survive during winters with filtered light and averagely moist soil. These beautiful plants are just perfect to add elegance to your interior and last really long.

Jade Plant

What are the Best Indoor Plants for Winters?

Jade plant is a classic perennial houseplant. It is known for its enduring nature, as it can survive in almost all conditions. It can survive long droughts as well as is a cold tolerant plant. All jade plants need to survive is indirect sun and little water. It is a happy winter plant.

Snake Plant:

What are the Best Indoor Plants for Winters?

Also known as “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue”, Snake plant is the perfect winter indoor plant. This air purifying foliage plant is recognized by NASA for purifying the air and absorbing toxins like formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide, benzene, xylene and trichloroethylene. It does not need much water or high level of sunlight. Even if neglected for weeks, snake plants still look fresh.

Sweetheart Hoya Plant:

What are the Best Indoor Plants for Winters?

Native to South-East Asia, Hoya plant is a beautiful succulent. Hoya plant is also known as the sweetheart plant due to its distinctive heart shaped leaves. Since it is a low maintenance plant which needs bright light with a little bit of shade, it is one of the best cold tolerant indoor plants.

Ficus Benjamina

What are the Best Indoor Plants for Winters?

The very popular weeping fig plant is one of the best cold tolerant indoor plants. They are native to South and Southeast Asia & Australia, and the official tree of Bangkok. They are also amazing air purifiers which cleanse airborne formaldehyde, xylene and toluene from the air. The special feature of this plant is that it maintains a tree like shape regardless of its size. However, the weeping fig needs a little more care than the other winter plants, but they grow even more beautiful with time.

Chamaedorea Plant

What are the Best Indoor Plants for Winters?

A beautiful air purifying foliage, chamaedorea plants are native to the rainforests in Southern Mexico and Guatemala. These plants are resistant to all kinds of weathers and can survive low light, droughts, and thrive even if neglected. These plants can be placed in any corner of the house, and survive during all weathers.