Celebrate Raksha Bandhan with our charming Bhaiya-Bhabhi Beads Rakhi Set. The rakhi features yellow, pink, and silver beads for an elegant simplicity, complemented by a playful lumba adorned with pearls. Yellow symbolizes auspicious beginnings and prosperity, adding positivity to their bond. This set balances their personalities beautifully, making it a special token of love and tradition. Complete with a personalized photo frame and heartfelt note, it's a perfect tribute to their cherished relationship.
Product Details:
- Designer bhaiya-bhabhi rakhi set: 1
- Personalised photo frame: 1
- Material: MDF and wooden
- Size: 7X7.2inches
- Frame Stand: 7X3inch
- For personalisation please provide us with an image.
- Net quantity: 1 Unit
- Country of origin:India